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Monday, August 9, 2010

August 9 2010

Last night we decided I will in fact be competing in the NPC AL State Championship. It had been my goal all along but I got side tracked a bit competing in the Power Shack Classic.

I thought that was a freaking disaster but after a conversation with Mike Horn who was judging the event I realized two things.

(1) Just as I had planned the Biloxi event was a trail run and I had no illusions of actually winning my class. I went there to get up in front of judges and practice my presentation. As Mike pointed out, it was a good move since there were 2 national judges working the event, so I got some face time with judges that will be at the national show in July.

(2) My weakness is the obvious lack of density in my lower quads but more importantly my conditioning is just not anywhere near what it needs to be. I need to focus on getting all the bodyfat off not just low.

So here we go,with 3 weeks to prepare, I think I can tighten up in time to make a good showing at the State and maybe if all the stars align right finally pull off a class victory.

Been really focusing on legs and have split them into 3 days a week, Monday - quads, Wednesday - Hams and then either Friday or Saturday hitting quads again. Today was a great quad day and I made some major strides in my form while squatting. Getting lower in depth than I ever had before so I feel good about my progress. Squatted in combat boots for the first time today and they definitely help stabilise the ankles when the weight gets heavier, Got some strange looks from the civilians but who cares as long as I'm getting it done.

Until next time

Peace and Stay Strong

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