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Monday, August 9, 2010

August 9 2010

Last night we decided I will in fact be competing in the NPC AL State Championship. It had been my goal all along but I got side tracked a bit competing in the Power Shack Classic.

I thought that was a freaking disaster but after a conversation with Mike Horn who was judging the event I realized two things.

(1) Just as I had planned the Biloxi event was a trail run and I had no illusions of actually winning my class. I went there to get up in front of judges and practice my presentation. As Mike pointed out, it was a good move since there were 2 national judges working the event, so I got some face time with judges that will be at the national show in July.

(2) My weakness is the obvious lack of density in my lower quads but more importantly my conditioning is just not anywhere near what it needs to be. I need to focus on getting all the bodyfat off not just low.

So here we go,with 3 weeks to prepare, I think I can tighten up in time to make a good showing at the State and maybe if all the stars align right finally pull off a class victory.

Been really focusing on legs and have split them into 3 days a week, Monday - quads, Wednesday - Hams and then either Friday or Saturday hitting quads again. Today was a great quad day and I made some major strides in my form while squatting. Getting lower in depth than I ever had before so I feel good about my progress. Squatted in combat boots for the first time today and they definitely help stabilise the ankles when the weight gets heavier, Got some strange looks from the civilians but who cares as long as I'm getting it done.

Until next time

Peace and Stay Strong

Friday, August 6, 2010

Incorporating cardio into your training while developing lean muscle


  • HIIT = High Intensity Interval Training aka Hellish Insane Idiotic Torture
  • Steady State = Working up to your target heart rate and maintaining it for a sustained period of time
  • Fasting Steady State is the best for burning body fat
  • HIIT is less time consuming

First, finding your heart rates:

Target heart rate (THR). In general terms, your THR is 60-80% of your maximum heart rate. The Karvonen Method of calculating THR is one of the most effective methods to determine target heart rate because it takes into account resting heart rate. Here's how to find your THR.

  1. 1. Find your resting heart rate as soon as you wake up. You can do this by counting your pulse for one minute while still in bed. You may average your heart rate over three mornings to obtain your average resting heart rate (RHR). Add the three readings together, and divide that number by three to get the RHR. For example,
(76 + 80 + 78) / 3= 78.

  1. 2. Find your maximum heart rate and heart rate reserve.

Subtract your age from 220. This is your maximum heart rate (HRmax). For example, the HRmax for a 24-year-old would be: 220 - 24 = 196.

Subtract your RHR from your HRmax. This is your heart rate reserve (HRmaxRESERVE). For example, HRmaxRESERVE = 196 - 78 = 118

3. Calculate the lower limit of your THR. Figure 60% of the HRmaxRESERVE (multiply by 0.6) and add your RHR to the answer. For example,

(118 * 0.6) + 78 = 149.

4. Calculate the upper limit of your THR. Figure 80% of the HRmaxRESERVE (multiply by 0.8) and add your RHR to the answer. For example,

(118 * 0.8) + 78 = 172.

5. Combine the values obtained in steps 3 and 4 and divide by the number 2. For example, (149 + 172) / 2 = 161
(You can get the same result by simply multiplying HRmaxRESERVE by 0.7 and adding to it RHR).

Here's a simple HIIT scheme. Choose your weapon (spinner, treadmill, climber, outdoor jog and run) and plan on twelve minutes of output. Start an easy warm up for four minutes, stepping it up comfortably as the minutes progress. You should now be in your THR, now blast it (get into your HR Max) for thirty seconds and back off for thirty seconds, blast it for thirty and back off for thirty. Repeat this thirty-thirty interval for a total of six sets, that is, six minutes. The final two minutes are committed to a gradual decrease in intensity and cooling off.

Incorporating your cardio into your training with the proper timing is CRUCIAL. If you do too much or at the wrong time you are wasting your efforts in your training and will not realize maximum gains and over train. Overtraining will result in a flat and stringy physique.

Typical Muscle Gain Training Split incorporated with fat burner cardio training:

  • Quads NO CARDIO
  • Arm Day Fasting HIIT
  • Rest Day Fasting Steady State Cardio – if you are behind in the BF war, do another Steady State session later in the day
  • Back Day Post Training HIIT
  • Hams Day Post Training Steady State Cardio – mild intensity and length walking outdoors recommended
  • Weekends Optional Steady State

This is my recommendation for cardio while developing lean muscle. If you have BF (bodyfat)issues, then use fasting cardio every day until it is under control. However you need to discuss this with me before hand. This is extreme and dangerous if not handled properly and will burn up any lean leg muscle you have developed.

It is crucial not to over train if trying to develop great legs. Can’t emphasis this enough. Also carbs must be eaten to fill out muscle bellies and help burn body fat.

Peace and Stay Strong!