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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

What are people thinking?

Is it just me or are people in your gym like this? You're on a bench working your ass off and someone walks up while your doing your set and ask, "how much do you bench"? Or some other weird comment like, "wow you look great, do you work out"? Or I really like this one, "you must be dieting for a contest because you really look skinny." Gee thanks, that makes me look forward to eating some more chicken breasts and broccoli!

These people I'm referring to are usually tagged as "civilians" to the serious training community. What does that mean exactly? Interestingly enough I got into this conversation with my training partner after the third person asked him how much he could bench! Well finally my big friend put someone in their place and told them it didn't matter and we don't train that way.

I go to the gym for a purpose. It's not where I go to socialize. But if you look around sometimes, that's all anyone is doing! Yap Yap Yap! How do any of these people expect to ever accomplish anything?! They will do some silly little half hearted exercise then go off and talk to someone for 15 minutes and then maybe text something on their cell before returning to what they were doing. And the same people will come up to me and ask me how they can look like me! I want to just scream at them. But usually I will simply tell them it takes years of hard work. That's not what they wanted to hear and then they look at you like you are crazy or something.

We came to the
conclusion that we are a dying breed of people. Nobody wants to work there ass off anymore to get results. They think it is some kind of a secret on how guys and gals get into shape or worse yet they think you can get it out of a bottle or a pill! It just doesn't work that way! I mean people actually ask me what I'm drinking, like I have some secret elixir in my water jug!

The very small group of people that actually care about what they look like and their subsequent health are becoming a very small minority. It made me stop and think about this. I
don't think Ive been considered a part of a minority before. Or maybe I've always been different than everyone else, I just never stopped to think about it.

We have come to the
conclusion the best way to seriously train in a gym that is not so much of a hard core training gym is to train in sweatshirts and long pants, pull your cap down over your eyes so nobody can make eye contact and plug in your iPod and turn up the volume so you can not hear the idiot when he asks you how much you bench!
I saw a
tshirt that I think I will start wearing in the gym, it said, "Danger - work in progress, may explode at anytime, stay back 100 feet".

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